Deutsche Börse Headquarters
Valuable contribution to LEED Platinum certification
Deutsche Börse’s headquarters building in Eschborn is the first high-rise building in Germany to be certified LEED Platinum. The 21-story building was planned by KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten GmbH from Frankfurt am Main, with the project developers being Groß & Partner Grundstücksentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH and Lang & Cie. Real Estate AG. The approximately 90-metre high structure consists of two opposite L-shaped high-rise buildings connected by bridges and footbridges. The bright reception hall is naturally lit via a glass roof. In addition to single and double offices and “thinking cells” for concentrated work, the flexibly-usable office space offers open team areas, meeting rooms and numerous places for informal communication.A total of around 2,400 office workplaces are available on an approximately 55,500 m2-large total floor area. 7,800 m² of moveable feco system partition walls have been used as closed, melamine resin-coated solid walls and as fecofix double glazing, as well as 370 doors. The “LEED Credit Certified Wood 50%” standard required that von 50% FSC® (FSC-C125054)-certified raw wood be used in the production of wood-based panels. The panels used are made of 100% residual and waste wood from FSC-certified forests and sawmills. At just 200 km, the required maximum transport distances of 500 km from the forest via the sawmill to the manufacturer of the wood-based panels has been significantly undercut, thus fulfilling the “Regional Materials” requirement. The strict requirements of LEED Platinum certification led to the use of formaldehyde-free, FSC-certified wood-based panels and the development of LEED-compliant wooden doors. Feco has made a valuable contribution to securing LEED Platinum sustainability certification through its project-specific innovations in the green building sector.
- Project
- Deutsche Börse Headquarters
- Details
Solid wall: fecowand
Glass wall: fecofixDoor: fecotür Holz H70
- Project
- Deutsche Börse Headquarters
- Details
Solid wall: fecowand
Glass wall: fecofixDoor: fecotür Holz H70
- Project
- Deutsche Börse Headquarters
- Details
Solid wall: fecowand
Glass wall: fecofixDoor: fecotür Holz H70
- Project
- Deutsche Börse Headquarters
- Details
Solid wall: fecowand
Glass wall: fecofixDoor: fecotür Holz H70
- Project
- Deutsche Börse Headquarters
- Details
Solid wall: fecowand
Glass wall: fecofixDoor: fecotür Holz H70
- Project
- Deutsche Börse Headquarters
- Door
- fecodoor wood
- Details
Solid wall: fecowand
glass wall: fecofixDoor: fecotür Holz H70
- Project
- Deutsche Börse Headquarters
- Details
Solid wall: fecowand
Glass wall: fecofixDoor: fecotür Holz H70
Mergenthalerallee 61Eschborn
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