Glass wall

Glass wall from feco.
A transparent spatial structure.
The use of glass walls conveys openness and transparency. Daylight and the connection to the outside and the surrounding landscape create a friendly atmosphere. The feco partition wall system offers a variety of solutions. The right choice will depend on noise and fire-protection requirements as well as design aspects.
Show your colours with glass system partition walls
Glass wall fecoplan.
The upright-less all-glass partition wall fecoplan offers maximum transparency. The joints of the all-glass partition wall system are sealed with transparent glass adhesive tapes with passivated front edges as dry bonding, ensuring a uniform joint quality. In this way, the all-glass construction too becomes a system partition wall solution that can be dismantled and reassembled.
- Project
- Association of the Metal and Electrical Industry
- Solid wall
- Glass wall
- fecoplan
- Door
- fecophon wood
- Project
- La Biosthétique Paris
- Glass wall
- fecoplan
- Door
- fecodoor wood
- Project
- AOK Office
- Glass wall
- fecoplan
Glass wall fecofix.
High sound insulation values can be achieved with the flush fecofix double glazing with all-round 20 mm slim frame profiles.
- Project
- Trudering Grammar School
- Glass wall
- fecocent
- Door
- fecodoor wood
- Project
- Testo test and measurement instrumentation
- Solid wall
- fecoair
- Glass wall
- fecofix
- Door
- fecodoor wood
Glass wall fecostruct.
The frameless flush fecostruct structural glazing meets exclusive design requirements.
- Glass wall
- fecostruct
- Details
- project: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung Cologne
- Project
- IdeenReich at the feco-forum
- Glass wall
- fecostruct
- Details
- feco-forum Karlsruhe │ feco partition walls │fecostruct wood
Clean on arrival – factory cleaning of inner pane surfaces.
What is special about the double glazings is that the panes are produced as closed glass elements in clean manufacturing conditions, transported to the construction site and assembled, with no need to clean the spaces between the panes after delivery since the inner pane surfaces are already clean. However, fecofix and fecostruct monoblock glass elements can still be opened for inspection purposes without having to be removed thanks to the carefully thought-out detail design.
With a uniform appearance and lower sound insulation requirements, fecofix and fecostruct glazings are also available as economical single glazings.
Fall-protection security.
General building authority test certificates for fall-protection are available for the fecoplan upright-less glazing and for the fecofix and fecostruct double glazings.
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