Sparkasse Karlsruhe, digital branch

Individual concept for a digital future

By providing digital consultations, Sparkasse Karlsruhe is fulfilling its customers’ de-sire for individual advice via video chat. Customers are now consequently receiving advice on all financial topics, from investments and consumer loans to retirement planning and home savings, digitally. The personal advisor is visible to the customer during the online appointment, just as they would be in an appointment at the branch.
Sparkasse Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe
Sparkasse Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe
feco-feederle GmbH, Karlsruhe
Partition walls
fecoplan, fecodoor glass, fecophon fabric, fecowall
Office furniture
Agile work, Storage elements, Workplaces
Nikolay Kazakov
Ophelis, Vitra, Brunner, Object Carpet, Cascando, feco

The new furnishing concept for the Sparkasse branches encompasses light, natural and homely materials. An open team area with four-table combinations can be zoned by curtains. For the bank advisors, video-conferencing individual workspaces have been created along the facade, while door elements have been deliberately dis-pensed with in the interest of an open office concept. Glass fecoplan sound screens and pre-hung, fabric-covered fecophon absorbers limit sound propagation into the team area. In addition, each advisor has a workstation available in the team area. Only the team leader’s glazed office can be closed for confidential discussions with a fecotür G10 all-glass door. Carpet overlays, individual floor lamps, wall clocks and picture motifs on the walls set accents and contribute to the homely atmosphere. Standing tables in the corridor areas are ideal for informal communication between colleagues, while lockers allow for reduced storage space. For team coordination, an attractive workshop zone has been created with a seating arena equipped with a large-format monitor to support agile working methods.

By combining office furniture and feco system partition walls, feco has been able to demonstrate its entire range of services in this project. In close cooperation with the client, the feco planning team has not only created attractive workplaces, but also developed an individual concept for a digital future in which people remain the focus

Location of the project

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