fecowall blue certified with the Blue Angel
Low-emission system wall
fecowall Blue has been certified with the first and world’s most successful “made in Germany” environmental label, the Blue Angel (UZ 176). To obtain it, feco had volatile organic substances, the so-called VOC content, extensively measured in the test chambers of independent laboratories. These tests confirmed the positive properties of the system wall with regard to indoor air quality.
The measured values of the melamine-resin directly-coated and HPL-laminated feco solid wall not only meet the requirements of the eco-label, but are even below them. The Blue Angel is an environmental label awarded in Germany since 1978 for particularly environmentally-friendly products.
In order to receive the environmental seal, at least 50% of the wood used throughout the company must come from certified sustainable forestry. The percentage at feco is even higher at around 90%, which the company, as an FSC® and PEFC certified company, can also demonstrate throughout the entire manufacturing process. (CoC, Chain of Custody, licence codes FSC-C125054, PEFC/04-31-2463).
Resource conservation and sustainability are convictions that feco lives by. For example, the Karlsruhe-based group delivers its products with very little packaging on reusable pallets. The German Blue Angel eco-label underlines the sustainability of the relocatable and reusable feco system wall
fecowall. The solid wall.
fecowall offers sound insulation of Rw,P= 47 dB even in the basic version and is very stable and precise in the joint pattern thanks to the feco clamping system. The steel retaining strips on the back, which run the entire height, are invisibly clamped into the system upright. This results in an intimate connection with the partition wall upright, which increases the static strength and is verified according to DIN 4103. At the same time, the partition shells are locked with axial precision against lateral displacement, which ensures longitudinal stability and a precisely fitting joint pattern. The continuously tight connection between the partition shells and the substructure results in the best sound insulation.
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